Sometimes it's good to speak with a professional who has experience helping others with gay life. Counsellors and therapists who work with gay people are skilled in responding to sexuality and coming out difficulties as well as relationship problems and health concerns.


This page provides some information about the different types of counselling available. If you are interested in face to face counselling in a particular country, scroll down to the bottom of the page.

International & Online Counsellors.

If you are questioning your sexuality you may prefer to make contact with a counsellor over the internet. Online counsellors can provide counselling through voice and video technology like Skype or instant chat software like MSN. They sometimes offer their services by email. These options can be preferable to a face to face appointment in an office, especially if are nervous or embarrassed about others finding out about your sexuality.

Another benefit of online counselling is that it can be more convenient than having to go to a counsellor’s rooms. For people living in remote locations or small towns where there are limited services, having counselling over the internet can provide privacy and peace of mind. Coupled with the anonymity of chatting or speaking to someone over the internet, the convenience of online counselling means it is gaining popularity and becoming more accessible.

The following counselling services are available over the internet. does not necessarily endorse or recommend these counsellors. Please make contact with them yourself and make your own decision. 

Gay Counsellor in Australia

Gay Counselling UK (UK Site)

Forward Therapy

If you have good experiences with an online service geared towards gay counselling please contact us so we can consider adding it to this list.

Preparing for a Session.

There are a few things to keep in mind if you are going ahead with online counselling. Just like if you were attending a counsellor’s practice rooms, the room you are in should be private and free from disturbances. It's also best to turn off your phone before the session. Remember that if the session is text-chat based (using Skype or MSN instant chat), the software will leave a record of the session on your computer which you can read over and reflect on. But remember to delete it from your hard-drive if you are concerned about your privacy.

Face to face Counselling in English Speaking Countries.
Gay Counselling in Australia
Gay Counselling in the United Kingdom
Gay Counseling in the United States
Gay Counselling in Canada
Gay Counselling in New Zealand


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