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Uncertainty about Sexuality

Posted by Gay Counselling on Monday, January 27, 2014, In : mental health 
Uncertainty about your sexuality can be quite difficult, particularly if you are already in a relationship with someone of the opposite sex. The good news is that it doesn't usually last and represents, for most people, a period of confusion through which they pass and end up feeling more comfortable.

Confusion about sexuality can certainly affect your mental health. This might be reflected in insomnia or problems sleeping, difficulties with concentration, being more forgetful or mood swings. ...
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Support for Gay People during Holidays & Family Gatherings

Posted by Gay Counselling on Sunday, December 5, 2010, In : mental health 
Some of us enjoy family gatherings and festive occasions. But the end of the calendar year is also a time when many gay people find themselves in uncomfortable situations with family or alone or isolated.

Not everyone has family who have come to reasonable terms with gay sexuality. In many families Christmas, for example, is geared towards children and gay adults whether partnered or not can feel left out of celebrations while their brothers and sisters take a lead role as parents and care p...
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Reparative therapy? But what’s to be Repaired?

Posted by gaycounselling on Tuesday, October 12, 2010, In : mental health 
‘Reparative Therapy’, ‘Conversion Therapy’, ‘Ex-Gay Therapy’... Different names for what is essentially the same thing: treatment of a person that claims to be able to change sexual orientation.

There have been no studies of adequate scientific rigor to show that these approaches work or are in any way effective. In fact the most reputable American medical and scientific organizations have expressed concern over counseling and psychological practices like conversion therapy a...

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Life as a Gay Person: It Gets Better.

Posted by gaycounselling on Thursday, September 23, 2010, In : mental health 

Despite the improvements in some countries for gay people, teenagers and young people at school still experience anti-gay taunts and bullying. But those of us who are gay and made it through the homophobia of our school years know that it gets better.

Dan Savage is a gay US columnist and author who writes about homophobia, gay life and sexuality. Recently he started a the It Gets Better Project on Youtube aimed at providing information and positive role models to young gay people who are going...
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