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Browsing Archive: January, 2014

Uncertainty about Sexuality

Posted by Gay Counselling on Monday, January 27, 2014, In : mental health 
Uncertainty about your sexuality can be quite difficult, particularly if you are already in a relationship with someone of the opposite sex. The good news is that it doesn't usually last and represents, for most people, a period of confusion through which they pass and end up feeling more comfortable.

Confusion about sexuality can certainly affect your mental health. This might be reflected in insomnia or problems sleeping, difficulties with concentration, being more forgetful or mood swings. ...
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Growing Up Gay

Posted by Gay Counselling on Monday, January 20, 2014, In : Growing Up Gay 

Some of us knew we were attracted to the same sex quite early in life. For others, we realized later. For example, it is not unusual for a man to discover attraction for men in his 30s or 40s. But for those who grew up gay often say they had many difficulties coming out as gay.

Children are often discouraged from talking about sexuality or same sex experiences. Parents often hope it was 'just a phase'. But evidence suggests that it is better to be supportive of young people who show an intere...
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