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Browsing Archive: August, 2010

Solving Coming Out Problems.

Posted by gaycounselling on Saturday, August 21, 2010, In : Coming Out 
Coming Out is a different experience for everyone. It can happen to us - we can be 'outed' - or we can do it ourselves. Some lesbians and gay men choose not to come out. Some people come out quite early, at 16 or 17 or even younger, others have more experience of life before they decide to come out.

There are lots of factors that can make coming out more difficult or seemingly too hard for many of us. Family expectations, religious perspectives and homophobia or hatred can stand in the way of ...
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Where Are All The Gay People?

Posted by gaycounselling on Sunday, August 1, 2010, In : making friends 

Do you sometimes find yourself asking 'where are all the other gay people'?

For anyone living in a small town or somewhere where it is hard to be gay because of local attitudes or the threat of violence, it can sometimes seem like being 'the only gay in the village'. But gay people are everywhere, even if they are not as visible in some places as others. 

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